Sunday, May 11, 2008

My First Mother's Day

My first Mother's Day was wonderful. It started off by getting to sleep in (8 am- woo hoo!), having a wonderful breakfast cooked by my husband, receiving a beautiful bracelet with a charm and both of the kids' names on it along with a cute Mommy & Me picture frame, and finishing the day with all of the family out at Susie and Scott's house. I couldn't have asked for a better day! Here's a new picture of me rocking my babies:

Eva and Reid are both eating like champs now. Moving on to stage 2 foods soon. They love their new high chairs & yes, Eva does eat with her leg up like that:

Reid doesn't like to sit still for very long, as evident of his new way to get out of his bouncer when he's done with his bottle:

Thursday is the big 1/2 year birthday. Along with that comes our 6 month shots (yuck) but we'll report on the weights/heights then. And, I'll try to get a 6 month photo shoot in. That may have to wait until the weekend.. working makes me too busy and tired these days!

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