Monday, August 25, 2008

Rainy Days & Mondays always get me down...

Good-bye Fay. Hello Destin! After a few miserable days at home (well, I won't say miserable because we did get to spend some quality time with the babies), we finally see the sun. We were all getting a little stir crazy. Reid and Eva enjoyed watching the rain beat against the sliding glass doors though.

Cooper is a trooper. He has, reluctantly, become the object of Eva (& Reid's) affection as of late. I'm sure it only gets better from here.

Well, off to Destin we go. Let's hope this first vacation goes as smoothly as possible with two 9 1/2 month olds in tow!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Couldn't Resist

So, you don't get a new update from me for weeks, and then BAM.... 2 in only a matter of days!

Bath time was just too cute tonight, and I had to share.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Days in the World Celebration

So, I was reading a blog from a mother of twins the other day and they were celebrating the day their babies were out of the womb longer than they were in the womb. A 'days in the world' celebration. I calculated for our duo, and they day has long passed us- July 24th. But hey, life's too short not to celebrate something every day, right??

Daycare, oh how I despise thee. Well, not the daycare itself, but more the sicknesses lurking and reappearing around every corner. Ear infection count: Reid-2 Eva- 3 1/2. I say 1/2 because we went back to the pediatrician today and she has a viral cold causing a major sore throat, snotty nose, and slight redness in the ear. The doc labeled it a 1/2, almost there ear infection and wrote us the infamous prescription for another 10 days of Omnicef. Yippee. Reid finishes his 10 day round of Augmentin Wednesday. I'm so over this, and yet it's only just begun.

To catch everyone up on a few photos taken between illnesses, here's the latest of the family over at Meema and Papa's house yesterday. Looking back through my digital albums, we haven't taken a family shot since Easter. It was about time!

Yes, twins do rock! And thanks to cousin Stephie, the whole world will know it now, too.

Here's to getting everyone healthy before our big trip to Destin in 2 weeks....