Thursday, July 24, 2008

You take the good, you take the bad...

Where to begin? Let's get the bad stuff out of the way first.

Sicknesses. We've all been through it lately. First is was Ross, then Reid (who still has a residual cough), then Eva, and now me. However, Eva got it the worst. She spiked a 104.6 degree fever and ended up having to go the the ER yesterday for dehydration. She has a double bad ear infection and is on her 3rd round of antibiotics now. She is so miserable, but at least she's now drinking some after the IV fluids at the ER yesterday. I know it's a bit weird, but I actually took some pictures in the ER room while we were waiting and while she was receiving her fluids through the IV drip. One for the scrap book?

Eva with Meema

Eva with Aunt TeTe (who happens to be a nurse at the hospital and graciously volunteered to come with us on her day off when I called her crying!)

On to the good stuff- bathtime. When everyone's healthy, the LOVE their bath time. Reid is starting a bad, yet amusing, habit of slouching down and kicking his sister in the water. Once they are a bit more stable, gone with the inflatable tub and onto the regular ole big bathtub.

They no longer live in their own little bubble anymore either. Each is fully aware of the other and (gently?) tries to communicate in their own way.

After 4 visits to the pediatrician and 1 to the ER in the last week and a half, our goal is to make it to the 9 month well baby visit (August 22nd) with no more illnesses!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Christmas in July?

That's right... all we wanted for Christmas was ANY teeth and Reid delivered! The first tooth popped out last week and we're working on number 2. Our normally docile baby is just breaking my heart- he is so miserable. Can't wait to see how Eva the Diva reacts to her teeth when they finally decide to come in!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Dog Days of Summer

7 1/2 months old and we've officially been sitting on our own for over a week now. No too bad for a couple of preemies! Of course with sitting comes a whole new bunch of 'awe' pictures. They look so old now! Crawling is just around the corner, so let's enjoy these stationary days while they last.

Grammy and Pops came to visit us from Arizona. They have not seen the babies since the beginning of March for their baptism. Yes, they have grown! We had a really nice visit and they took to them so well.

Bath time is super fun now- especially when you have a playmate and toys! You should here all of the giggling and talking during it. How neat to always have someone there to share in fun times.