Good news is we are physically and mentally on target with our growth. There's still a 5 pound and 2 inch difference between the two (another shocker). One child is 23 lbs. 32 inches. The other is 28 lbs. 34 inches. I'll let you guess which is which.
Reid had his second haircut, and this time all the curls were cut. I miss them and am leaning towards letting it all grow back out again shaggy surfer style. Eva's chugging away in the hair department. I'm pretty sure hers will be stick straight like her Daddy's but only time will tell.
Playing together is definitely an all time favorite right now. Reid follows Ki Ki (sissy) around everywhere, and Eva tolerates Bubby (said with a mighty fine Southern drawl) for the most part. Who needs play dates when you have a built in buddy?

The other day we brought out a new set of blocks, but who needs blocks when you have a mesh bag? Eva brought this all upon herself and just cracked herself up for a good 10 minutes, which, by the way, is a very long time in toddler town.

Until next time....
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