That's right- not only did I get to sleep in this morning, my wonderful husband made me breakfast in bed (french toast, sausage, fruit, and coffee just the way I like it). Heaven! Well, I started out in bed, but then 2 little ones forced me into the living room, so breakfast on the sofa it was. Ignore the bed head.

We've had some fun this weekend, as evidence of the photos posted below. I am very excited and happy to tell that Eva has just enough hair to put into a tiny velcro bow. Oh yeah, and so does Reid. This is what happens when Ross leaves us alone. Thank goodness I don't have twins boys.

Notice the tongue? Yep, that's Eva's new thing. Supposedly Ross did the same thing as a child, and Aunt Susie still has a propensity to stick out her tongue when working on something. So, you could say it comes naturally.
We finished off Mother's Day playing in Meema and Papa's new toddler-friendly swimming pool. Who needs swimsuits when you're in the privacy of your own backyard? Eva had a grand time playing OUTSIDE of the pool with water in the mud. Reid enjoyed dancing a jig to "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "If You're Happy and You Know It" in the pool. He hunches down and bops around giggling with his arms in a Frankenstein fashion. The other day he danced this way all the way through Jason Mraz's "I'm Yours." He has good taste, what can I say?

So, that's what I love about being a mother. Sleeping in. Breakfast in bed. Acting goofy for an entire weekend with my two favorite little people in the whole entire world. Isn't that what life's all about?
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