The twins are doing wonderfully. We're still going through the on again, off again toddler sicknesses and Eva has her ENT appointment July 1st. Let's hope we don't have another ear infection between now and then.
We started our first swim lessons a week ago with our wonderful 'Aunt' Angela at our neighborhood's community pool. We blew bubbles, floated on our backs, kicked around, and even dunked under water without screaming. I'd say it was a success! Here's the dynamic duo taking a break:

Lately, Reid's had a lot of fun practicing using real, non-sippy cups with water outside at school, which means we've seen him come home with a completely new change of clothes almost every day. Well, one day this week we forgot to send a new change of clothes with him and this is what he willfully wore the entire afternoon. His teacher Miss Courtney was laughing so hard when I walked in because she really tried to not have to change him but he was just too wet. Wait until his future wife sees this one day (note the pink paci was just the cherry on top):

The many faces of Eva. This could have been a blog in itself, but I didn't want to get too carried away. Oh her little personality is showing itself in many forms these days. Case(s) in point:
'Happy' Eva, relaxing by the pool:

'Time Out' Eva, because she wouldn't stop hitting her brother:

'Leave Me Alone and Don't Question What I'm Doing' Eva:

'Meema Tells Mommy I'm Her Little Payback' Eva:

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