Let me back track a bit. Thanksgiving was wonderful! It started with a family 6K run/walk we did first thing in the morning and ended at Susie and Uncle Scott's house. The kids were all bundled up for the race and then played with their 'favorite' cousins all afternoon.
Ah, and next came the annual family oyster roast. Actually, the boat parade was the night before, but I forgot my camera and Meema has all of those pictures. I'll have to back track a bit in my postings later..
They Annual Barkoskie Oyster Roast was a great success! The weather was pleasantly chilly, perfect for oysters, s'mores, low country boil, and of course, hayrides. Oh, and Ross made his absolutely fabulous chili. There wasn't a bite left!
Meema and Papa got the kids matching outfits. They say 'Hunting for Santa' and were absolutely adorable. Here they are posing with cousin Will.
They hayrides were a blast as well as the s'mores. Once again, the kids really 'got it' this year and it just makes everything a whole lot more fun!
Next up is holiday cookie baking tomorrow, our buddy Brosnan's 1st birthday Saturday, our neighbor's party Saturday night, and then a cookie exchange Sunday. Whew, I'm going to be exhausted by the time Christmas actually gets here! But it sure is a blast :-)
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