I have a feeling the even though Reid will end up twice as tall and twice as big as Eva, she will never let him forget who's the 'older' sister. They are definitely developing their personalities now! The laughing betweent the 2 of them is even more hysterical than ever. The other day Eva was laughing so hard just because Cooper was barking at what he thought was someone at the door. Reid just laughs if you glance at him sideways. They crack me up! We've been trying foods for about a month now and they are getting the hang of it. It's messy, but they like it. Take a look:

Unfortunately, Eva still doesn't have enough hair to even velcro a bow into it (sorry, takes after Mom on this one). Reid's a different story:

Thanks to Sharon and Doc Lucie, our children now have a favorite blankie that helps them sleep through naps and nighttime. I think we may have to get back-ups just in case!

And finally, some pictures from our 5 months' photo shoot. They are growing so fast!

1 comment:
Oh they look so precious and love those blankies, I have to get one for my little munchkins, they do love to sleep with them. =)
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