So, tomorrow is officially their 8 week birthday, but I have to get online and post pictures when I can, so here they are! Since Ross' window to take his insurance license exam opened, he has been studying like crazy at the library. This means I am officially the full time solo baby caretaker all day. Let's just say I'm glad I at least had help the first 8 weeks! The babies are adjusting to 'waiting their turn' and I'm adjusting to being able to do absolutely nothing all day until someone comes over :o) Very interesting!
Here's Eva meeting her cousin Will. I think Will was more interested in eating her hand!:

And here's Reid meeting his cousin Will. They will be good buddies very soon:

Here we are getting ready to watch Michigan kick Florida's butt. They can't fit into their UM outfits yet, so this will have to do:

After 8 weeks, we are still not tired of each other:

And last but not least, Eva's favorite spot to sleep. Her Daddy's chest:

We hope everyone has a wonderful 2008! Happy belated New Year!
Kick Florida's butt?! You had to go there...I'll have to bring over some orange and blue for them to wear. I'd love to come over soon and visit. I will give you a call and we can plan a get together.
I can't believe it....8 weeks already! They are so cute! Tete loves you guys and I will forgive you for the "Gators" comment...I know you have been "house bound" for a while so clearly you may be losing your mind talking about the Gators like that! Love you and am gaining the strength for the upcoming doctors visits! Ouch! LOVE YOU HONEY X 4!!!!
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