So, tomorrow is officially their 8 week birthday, but I have to get online and post pictures when I can, so here they are! Since Ross' window to take his insurance license exam opened, he has been studying like crazy at the library. This means I am officially the full time solo baby caretaker all day. Let's just say I'm glad I at least had help the first 8 weeks! The babies are adjusting to 'waiting their turn' and I'm adjusting to being able to do absolutely nothing all day until someone comes over :o) Very interesting!
Here's Eva meeting her cousin Will. I think Will was more interested in eating her hand!:

And here's Reid meeting his cousin Will. They will be good buddies very soon:

Here we are getting ready to watch Michigan kick Florida's butt. They can't fit into their UM outfits yet, so this will have to do:

After 8 weeks, we are still not tired of each other:

And last but not least, Eva's favorite spot to sleep. Her Daddy's chest:

We hope everyone has a wonderful 2008! Happy belated New Year!