2 years ago when we went to the beach, we packed 1/2 the nursery, intensely rubbed down two 6 month olds with sunscreen, planned for what seemed like hours, and then spent 30 minutes at the beach until they got cranky and it was nap time.
1 year ago when we went to the beach, we packed a wagon full of 'stuff' (swim diapers, change of clothes, an array of snacks, tons of sunscreen, etc.), drug the kids down to the beach, spent an hour until they cried because the ocean scared them and the sand rubbed in their eyes, then went home because it was nap time.
Today we went to the beach. We put on swim suits (and only 1 swim diaper for Reid- yeah potty trained Eva!), sprayed on lotion, grabbed some ice water and grapes, and walked down the boardwalk with nothing but ONE bag of 'stuff' and ONE bucket of toys. We spent almost TWO hours at the beach, and they laughed, giggled, splashed, swam and generally have an awesome time. We left, went to Cruisers for lunch, and then went home because it's now nap time.
Awe, this is the nirvana of motherhood. A good day with good kids and a good husband. No crying (well, maybe just a bit here and there), no loads of 'stuff', and no rushing home. Just enjoying ourselves.
And this is why we are not having anymore babies :-)
As a closing note, take a look at our budding princess. If you ask Eva, her favorite princess is "Cinderelduh" because "she had blonde hair and blue eyes like ME!"