Our little mockingbirds are cracking me up all of the time now. Their favorite sentence is "______ (insert requested object/person here), where are you??" The way they say it is like Ricky Ricardo with "Lucy, I'm home." Like I said, it cracks me up. Eva has also picked up quite the un-southernly, rude answer of 'uh-huh' to the questions she'd like to respond 'yes' to. Mommy's not happy about that, so we're working on the 'yes m'am' with no such luck yet.
As of Monday, they will officially be in the 2 year old room which means no more progress reports home (eek) and no sippy cups at school (double eek). That also means at some point in the next year, I should hopefully have two potty-trained, big boy/girl underwear wearing toddlers. Down with the diapers and good riddens (TBD).
We are just kicking off the Halloween festivities. I brought them up to Merrill Lynch this afternoon in their oh so adorable handmade Bam-Bam and Pebbles costumes and they were an absolute hit. We'd been practicing wearing costumes and trick-or-treating at home and I was pleased that they are quick learners! (And no, the costumes are not handmade by me- thank you Aunt Katie!)
Style... we have plenty of it around here lately. You've gotta love toddler style. Please keep in mind all of these outfits were chosen by the dynamic duo themselves- no parental intervention.
Yes, Daddy is proud... Go Blue
Eva's a big fan of shoes (no idea where she got THAT one from). These happened to be Ross' house slippers.
And here's her too big Crocs. Note the lack of pants and striped socks. Gotta love her!
That's it for now. More to come after the REAL Halloween festivities tomorrow!