Speaking of home, if we're not outside with some body of water nearby, we're getting very crafty and kooky at home. Oh yes, who needs toys when you have an empty box, toilet paper, and indoor bumper cars? Who knew?

Ross and I- thanks to wonderful angels Meema, Grammy, and Aunt Shirley- got to escape to St. Petersburg Beach mid-July and enjoyed every minute of it. Well, besides the fact we saw kids EVERYWHERE and missed ours dearly. The ladies and the dynamic duo had a ball and wore each other out the whole time. The road the train at the Town Center, went to the pool, visited the Children's Hands On museum, and read many, many books:

Weird Habits.
I think we're getting into the age of strange habits and quirky behaviors (and I love it). Hey, I'm a little odd myself and think it's refreshing to have children who think outside of the norm. Cases in point..
Reid woke up early from his nap, as did Eva. Eva curled up on Daddy- end of story. Reid slept on the sofa with me for awhile, then decided he wanted to get up, only to climb on the other sofa and fall back asleep.

Tonight, before reading Goodnight Moon, Eva dug around in her armoire and fished out her sun hat (which, by the way, she refuses to wear outside). Reid, as a good little brother always does, proceeded to follow. Now, we have reading hats.

Finally, major physical milestones don't happen nearly as often as they did those first 18 months, but we have one more step in growing older today.... officially sitting at the grown-ups table. Reid's legs aren't fitting under the tray of the highchair anymore, so we have to make them booster seats and scoot them up to the table. They were in heaven :)