We had a very exciting weekend in the Koelbel household! I think it all started with the almost nightly ritual of playing on Mommy and Daddy's unmade bed (shhhh, don't tell Meema the bed rarely gets made anymore!). This is by far one of the most exciting times of the week for these little guys, as you can see for yourself:

Then, we all went and had our family/one year birthday pictures made with our wonderful wedding photographer, Linda Olsen. It was such a whirlwind, but they turned out so well!! Afterwards, we went down to the beach with Meema and Papa where we took a few shots down on the stormy coast.

Next stop on Sunday- the pumpkin patch. The Diva wasn't as into it as wild man, but we got some good shots anyhow. Thank you Aunt Te-Te for going with us! They were just too cute and the weather was beautiful!

Our next update will be all about... Halloween! Can't wait!