I can't believe it has already been 3 months. Before I know it, they will be off to college! Well, first things first. Reid rolled over from his stomach to his back Monday 4 or 5 times! He's only done it once since then though, but both he and Eva have my cold. They are not feeling up to playing too much right now. Here's a picture of him being a big boy holding his head up strong on his stomach:
Anyhow, we had a nice Valentine's Day hanging out at home in our oh so cute wear 'em once outfits!
Here are pictures from our 3 month birthday photo shoot. What characters!
And last but not least, Cooper had to get in on the playtime action. Notice he brought his bone along as well....
We all went for a family walk today in our front carriers to enjoy the beautiful 70+ degree weather. We weren't sure how the babies would like them, but they both fell asleep with their sun hats on. It was so nice walking without the stroller. Cooper enjoyed not being tripped up by the stroller as well!
Now that our heads are getting a bit more stable, we're trying out the Bumbo seats. It's only lasts about 5 minutes for now, but we're getting there. Eva's short stature makes it a bit easier on her as the back of the chair fully supports her neck. Reid's 'big boy' status causes his neck to not be quite as stable, but each day it's getting better!