Sunday, December 30, 2007

Our First Christmas

Our first Christmas as a family was really nice. Having children definitely brings you back to what the season is all about. No gift under the tree could be nicer than our two little early presents.

Friday, December 21, 2007

It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas..

Ross and I decided to see how much the dynamic duo weigh by putting them on our home scale with Ross. By our guesstimations, Reid is 9 1/2 lbs. and Eva is 7 1/2 lbs. They are the size of 'newborn' babies now! Here are some pictures we took yesterday morning in one of their Christmas outfits & with their monkey and bear.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Bath Time & Newborn Clothes

The babies love their 'big kid' bath! We have a routine every night now that puts them right to sleep. Reid especially loves the warm water. He could hang out there all night:

Eva is learning to like the bath as well. Here she is after a bit of screaming:

And of course they love the warm towels afterwards:

We've reached a milestone: they can almost fit into SOME newborn clothes! Yippee! Now let's hope they can fit in their Christmas outfits soon..

Gotta love baby clothes. Who else could get away with a giraffe on their butt?

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Here is a picture taken at the twins 2 weeks old birthday shoot. It's my favorite! I still can't believe they are actually here sometimes. To think that gestationally they will be 39 weeks old tomorrow. Only one more week before they are considered 'full term.'

Everyone should have received their Christmas card by now. Here was the 'runner up' shot of the babies in their stockings:

And a few more recent pictures. They are growing so fast & changing every day!

First tub bath (Daddy was feeding Reid when it was Eva's turn, so she didn't get her picture taken):

Sleeping in with Daddy:

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Welcome to our web page! We have decided that the best way to keep everyone posted on our growing family will be this site. We'll be posting pictures, milestones, and other fun things along the way. Visit often, and enjoy the ride!